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28 9Q Compact Pewter Frame


A Domicile Treasure, A Case for Wisdom

The Meanings of 2 and 8

The 28 9Q Compact Pewter Frame bears the promise of peace and health. It is a blessing that bestows domestic auspiciousness.

The concept of the pewter frame series follows VISIBER's yearly review of the trajectory of the nine planets, which was then improvised according to the needs of the environment, resulting in the unique arrangement of the numbers. The 28 9Q Compact Pewter Frame in particularly, was conceived to counter the negative energy of the 'twin black spots', thus improving the condition of its surroundings. The so-called 'twin black spots' represents the energy fields associated with disease and physical harm. They are highly detrimental to the residents of a domicile setting.

Within the 28 9Q Compact Pewter Frame, the number 2 tin plate that represents the 'twin black spots' is being placed in the centre of the nine quadrants, surrounded by eight number 8 tin plates. Such an arrangement enables a formation that numerically rounds up to ten in every direction. As the number 10 in Chinese means perfectness and order, the formation symbolizes the neutralization of bad energy and the achievement of balance and completeness in the living environment.

By correct positioning of the 28 9Q Compact Pewter Frame, the energy field of an environment could be drastically improved.

A Classy and Exuberant House Decor.

The 28 9Q Compact Pewter Frame was primarily made out of high class timber and tin, while every single letter within the frame is gilded, in addition to the presence of flora and circular designs infused with pure gold. The design is intended to bring a sense of auspicious and energy to the house, all done in manners of exuberance and elegance. The frame is covered by shatterproof 3D glass, laying the question of security to rest.

The colour of the frame is in gleaming black, making it an easy match for any interior design theme, at the same time burnishing the allure of the house. Its addition to the house decor not only brings about physical comfort but also channels a sense of peace of mind to the occupant. It can’t be stressed enough the importance of having an enviable living environment, for it is the prerequisite of achieving any success in life.