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Research has shown that the subconscious mind accounts for 90% of the activities in our brain and is the source of unlimited wisdom. It can direct how our conscious mind thinks, and has the power to shape sorrow or joy; success or failure; health or illness. Both positive and negative thoughts stem from the same source. Hence, it is logical to conclude that tuning our subconscious mind will have a profound effect on who we will become.

If you want to become a positive and happy person, then you should not stop channeling your positive energy, enthusiasm, positive thoughts, healthy views on life towards the positive energy embedded in your Personal Pewter Frame. Over time, the original negative information will be overwritten by these new injections. Bear in mind that the Personal Pewter Frame does not re-programme our brains. What it does is merely to help us reconnect with our own nature and reality, and then forge a new path in life from there.